Monday, August 26, 2013

Made a snap decision and took part in an Adam Khoo Camp the past weekend, in the process pangsehing Darren who has left for US. I didnt realise he was leaving so soon but in all honesty given the irritated/frustrated mood i have been the past week, i wouldnt have been good company anyway. Sorry bro i owe you one =/

 Motivating and empowering others have always been a fulfilling job for me and this was no different. It may have been a short 2 days but i have been extremely humbled by some of the things i've seen, namely being aware of some of the social movements in Singapore and their motivation behind it. You really havent seen it all and you continue to be inspired each day by those around. Witnessing how a group if students from different countries come together with such great rapport was heartwarming and it does leave much for me reflect upon as i think about my interactions with my friends of other nationalities. I'm not sure how many of them will remain friends after the program but i do know i've shared what i could, i've done what i could and hopefully i left an impression on them and they took away some of the things i said to them.

Twistin' at 8:38 AM
Thursday, August 22, 2013

Random Ramblings

1) There are too many secondary school kids at the gym. STOP FIGHTING WITH ME FOR THE BENCHES
2) So long ago was my last visit to pastamania that i forgot i had to order at the counter
3) When you're feeling down, every single sad song ever written becomes your life story
4) Chilling at cafes and catching up is now my favorite bonding activity

Twistin' at 8:09 AM
Friday, August 16, 2013


Twistin' at 2:08 AM
Saturday, August 10, 2013

Never saw your smile till it was time to go away. Gotta love them 80s music with the cheesy lyrics.

Had a rough week but at the end of it all, glad that i could talk to my parents of all people about it.

Twistin' at 9:21 PM
Monday, August 05, 2013

4 weeks passed by so quickly it still feels surreal that this this time yesterday i just landed in Singapore after what was a horrific experience with Cathay- not sitting that airline again i swear, not even if its to HK directly. But all the same i'll miss my time in Beijing from the cheap food to the many enjoyable late night conversations to the almost daily gym sessions and spending it with 2 of the best friends i've made in UCL is the best i can possibly ask for. If only daily school life was as chill as reading my report only once before submission, spending barely 10 minutes after completing a haphazard bibliography at an airport terminal before sending.

6 weeks more till I'm going back to London. Time is passing so quickly and with seeing the masssive spamming of statuses/photos of graduation, i can almost feel it coming soon for me. But oh well there's still so much to look forward in my final year and possibly a masters after(fingers crossed)

They always say when one door closes another opens but what if you refuse to open that door because you are afraid that door leads to another that might not open for you. Do you then take a chance because of the possibility of going back through that door you entered from and finding another that opens for you?

Twistin' at 11:20 AM