Saturday, May 30, 2009

so scorpion king is gonna be postponed for us all. which is extremely good news to me at least. after the events of 2 days ago, i dont see how the wing is going to survive it. witnessed some extreme fighting spirit on friday from some of my mates and am dam proud of them for making it through the 'surprise' 16km route march.

met up with my long lost slut brother javier yeo yesterday after something liek 2 1/2 months. time passes so quickly i cant believe its already going to be the middle of year.caught terminator salvation and contrary to the ' great action but not much of a plot' quoted by aravind kumarr, i thought it was awesome. but aravind and i cant agree on much anyway. the events of 1 jan 2008 proved that =p

you know how most people have things to look forward to. i was just having a conversation with chiaxinhui and i realise the only thing i am looking forward to is dec 12 which is the day i commission if i even commission and army life isin the most awesomest thing to happen to me in life. my short term goal is essentially 6 months later. what a joke.i also probably made myself out to be the biggest loser to the person i try to impress the most. aye WTF man. i never felt more loserish in my life. i am not wallowing in self-pity that theres almost nothing to look forward to this year. in all honesty the year has been pretty sucky. family, education, personal everthing seems to be going wrong and everything seemes to have changed so much since i enlisted. well some things remain constant. cleveland cavaliers still remain the biggest underachievers in the NBA. they lost again at conference finals. oh and arsenal once again signed a 15 year old kid. so 10 more years before he becomes a star by which i will be 29. wohoo

Twistin' at 9:08 PM
Saturday, May 23, 2009

i am not much of a fan of sci-fi movies but star trek was really good. enough romance/action/thrills and pretty much of all the stuff the critics are saying. after the show and within 3 minutes of trying on a shirt, i bought it. please tell me i am not being a spendthrift in this climate of economic downturn and what have you. but then again i am doing my part as a consumer to boost the aggregate demand. speaking of which i miss lessons and learning about all these econs stuff. which actually brings me to my next point. on whether i should just heck care and accept fass. part of me really want to do something more than just graduate with a degree from fass. but passion over practicality? i dont even know which i will choose.

nightbird is coming up with an awesome 16km route march followed by scorpian king and of course theres gonna be ippt. i dont even know if i can get that gold or survive 2 consecutive fieldcamps. my right leg is already half destroyed. numbness in thighs for the past 4 months and now coping with an ailing knee. wtf man. i dont even know if i can survive service term let alone ocs.i really hope i dont stay in the infantry. ch offers no consolation in telling me passing my soc and getting gold for ippt is half the battle won to stay in the infantry.talking to wg and lucas last night, their lives seem so good. 2 more weeks to POC(not even a parade) then they are gonna go off and lead slack lives in army for the next 20 months. but i am a high achiever, sometimes perhaps so much so i become an underachiever. it is a worrying trend that all the goals i have set for myself as of now seem such a long shot. scholarship, studies overseas. what i have now-a scholarship board which toyed with me for the past 4 months before telling me its so unfortunate they cant schedule me for an interview. _l_. a teacher which cocked my application and now trying to make ammends. somehow they are inter-related and do you think saying sorry after you screwed me actually helps? to be honest i was so dam pissed off last week and i am so tempted to start an entire flaming post but its almost lunchtime and i am hungry so this story can wait till 2years later if i am still in this sorry state i am in now.

damn this post wasnt supposed to evoke so much emotions within me but somehow it did.

Twistin' at 7:45 PM
Sunday, May 17, 2009

back from the wilderness. witnessed mates collapsing from heat or pure exhaustion. had some good bonding with the instructors. had some ghostly encounters. saw this effing huge wild boar which took 4/8 of my section's combat rations. god blessed me and my food was intact after the raid from the wild boar. had to dig a ridiculous shell scrape which i stayed in for a grand total of 2 hours in 2 nights.but yes i survived it. some say it was not as bad as expected, but for me it was the worst shit i ever experienced in army so far in terms of how shagged out i felt after it. but nevertheless i am glad i survived.

its gonna be week 9/14 this week and our service term is ending soon(i think). the sispec dudes are enjoying their nice block leave. i am so envious but heck, i look at my pay and i can smile so i am happy.

went through quite a disappointing week in terms of uni admissions and scholarship stuff and i am perhaps feeling the same way as XD. but oh well may next year be a better year for my academics.

there are so many shows coming up soon which i will die for to watch. one movie each week. thats gonna be my motivation for the next 5 weeks before we finally end service term with an awesome block leave of 2 weekdays and 2 weekends. I am so happy!

Twistin' at 12:29 AM
Saturday, May 02, 2009

Swine Flu or the influenza H1N1 as it is now better known and renamed amongst the doctors, has found its way to Asia with 1 confirmed case in Hong Kong. Based on what i last heard, he transited in Shanghai on his way to Hong Kong, resulted in interaction with 600 other people thereby causing reasons for high alert in China. The whole crux of the problem though lies with the fact that Mexico's healthcare system is seriously lacking in efficiency(if it even exists). The fact that the first death from swine flu or the now renamed influenze H1N1 came from Mexico and the first case could have occured as early as March means that Mexico pretty much screwed the world if this ever becomes a pandamic. However, swift actions on the part of the WHO and the various health ministries in countries such as Japan and Singapore, may help in curbing this pandamic and prevent it from reaching these areas. Having said this though, a faster way of detection needs to be found as the virus is most lethal and spreads to others even before symptons can be detected amongst the carriers. In simple layman terms, you can shit even before you fart.

Having said so much, you must be wondering why i care so much about this. After all, I am a simple NSF serving my nation as an officer to be in a camp on the other end of the island who is going to embark on a 10 day expedition to a sunny island across the sea tomorrow. The reason is simple, we now need to MARCH back to wingline from the entrance of SAFTI and the distance is MOTHER SHIT ASS FAR SO screw you mexico and thanks for spreading swine flu.

on a totally different note, i thought xmen was so nice that i had to hold my pee for 1 hour along with XD before rushing off for the longest pee we ever had.

Twistin' at 9:14 PM