In love with this song not that its particularly relevant. I'm a sucker for emo music
Happy SAF Day!
And sooo the previous post wasnt the last before Beijing but i digress.
Today is SAF day, or rather it was SAF day. I was very tempted to put a photo of my commissioning on fb but i figured it would have been too ayg since i wasnt an active regular(not anymore at least) and it would be a little too self-centered imo. But i believe my commissioning more or less embodies my entire personal growth and self development during those 2.5 years i served. It was a time where i witnessed true camaraderie, true fighting spirit, true servitude, true leadership, essentially things everyone talked about.
My experiences with my men and cadets were enlightening but ultimately the journey towards officership would still be my most life changing moment in my relatively short life thus far. I'm retardedly patriotic for someone who didnt sign on and i cannot remember the number of times i scoffed at people-officers for some in disgust for their disdain towards the notion of national service. I just couldnt comprehend that. I have had on many occasions thought about the possibility of war breaking out in SG when im studying and each time the voice in my head told me i would return to don the green and fight for the sovereignty of this island we call home. Of course the reality could well be a different case but the fact that i even contemplate the possibility shows the level of loyalty i have towards the nation.
On a slightly irrelevant note, today was the 4th time i was meeting the s42 peeps since i came back and other than the fact it could be pure coincidence most of us are all bumming at the same time(sorry hl there will be more night outings i promise), it was brought up again that nothing has changed these many years. We can still connect on very retarded levels, things that broguht us together in the first place. Conversation topics have definitely moved on towards slightly more matured areas but the essence of the friendship has always remained. I feel glad that i have these people to always come home to and it gives a much needed belief that friendships can walk the distance even with other halves although to be very fair only less than half of us are dating at the moment but we shall see. That kind of 'loyalty' in friendship makes me feel glad that going out for them is always worth it. Even to those that are not true friends but are just i need of favors like how someone i have not spoken to in months asking me for a place to crash for 3 days in London, i let it slide, doing what i can to help knowing that being the bigger person does pay off and is definitely good karma or so i hope.
So to all my comrades serving the nation as a regular, a very happy SAF day to you once again. i end off with a very inspiring short article by an MP of his NS experience. Could be seen as some indoctrination to the usual skeptics but i smile reading this knowing this could well be me some day and I'm glad our nation still has many of these NSmen one can truly look up to.