Hello there, its been a while
Its been quite a while. When 2 friends mentioned my blog the past week, i took it as a sign that its time to visit this place again. A new interface greeted me, much like the new start to my life this summer.
It has been a topsy-turvy start to the summer thus far with everything that has happened. While some things were inevitable, others were things i would have rather avoided.
In other news, i'm coming to the end of 2 weeks of work and the honest answer is while i really like what im seeing/doing, im not liking the level of fatigue. Granted i went for mambo last week and pretty much every other night was spent outside, but nevertheless on nights when i do get 7hrs of sleep, i find myself so sleepy on my journey to work. Good news is i have 2 more years to get used to this routine we call work.
Strangely, I've seemed to have lost my passion for soccer having not caught a single game on Euro 2012 since i witnessed the defeat of holland by germany. With a plethora of talent at the manager's disposal, ego was bound to be an issue and it was indeed the case for the netherlands. Ego stands in the way of our rationale mind at times and i'm probably as guilty of that as anybody. Too much of an ego is a bad thing but yet having too little of it brings about a different set of problems-lacking the confidence to embark on anything for example. But at the end of the day, the egoistic individual tends to think back and consider what if he/she did not let pride stand in his way and as such prevent he/she from making a certain decision. Just something i was thinking about on the way home today.
Finally going to play floorball this saturday and meeting up w xd in what seems to be a million years and i'm really looking forward to it and seriously TGIF.